English below
Græna kort Kramhússins samanstendur af öllum grænum tímum í stundatöflu / Kramhúsið’s Green card consists of all green classes in the timetable.
Mánudagar og miðvikudagar/Mondays & Wednesdays
Hádegisleikfimi kl. 12:05-12:55
Jóga kl. 11:00
Þriðjudagar og fimmtudagar/ Tuesdays & Thursdays
Flex Body kl. 12:05-13:00
Föstudagar / Fridays
Hádegishristingur kl. 12:05-13:00
Allir laugardagstímar innifaldir, Styrkur & liðleiki, Flex Body og Afro workout
*Stundaskrá getur breyst án fyrirvara / *The schedule may change without notice.
You will have access to all green classes on the timetable. Ideal for those who want a wide range of exercise and have a flexible schedule.
Hádegisleikfimi Mondays and Wednesdays. at 12:05-12:55
Yoga on Mondays & Wednesdays at 11.00 – 12:00
Flex Body on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:05-13:00
Föstudagshristingur on Fridays at 12:05-13:00.
All classes on Saturdays are included, Styrkur & liðleiki , Flex Body and Afro workout