Contemporary workshop with Athanasia | 16. september, haust 2023

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Contemporary workshop með Athanasia 16. september í Kramhúsinu

Tímarnir eru fyrir þau sem hafa áður dansað Contemporary.

16. september kl.15:30-18:30

Athanasia Kanellopoulou er grískur samtímadansari og danshöfundur sem hefur starfað með Cocoon Dance, les ballets C de la B, Jasmin Vardimon Company, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch og fleirum.

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11.900 kr.

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Vinna með hreyfingar í tíma og rúmi /Exploring movement dynamics in time and space

Samtímadans Athanasia Kanellopoulou er kraftmikill og dýnamískur. Það stafar af sterkri tækni hennar, bakgrunni og ástríðu fyrir hreyfingu og listum. Í tímunum einbeitir hún sér að því að styrkja spunafærni ásamt því að nota verkfæri eins og notkun andardráttarins, styrk miðjunnar og skriðþunga hverrar hreyfingar. Dansinn felur í sér gólfvinnu, kóreógrafískt efni og rútínur. Frá hraða til rósemi, frá innri kyrrð til dýnamískrar hreyfingar. Danstímarnir munu leiða þig í gegnum kraftmikinn dans sem felur í sér skilning á innra og ytra rýminu.

Athanasia Kanellopoulou’s contemporary class is powerful and physical. It derives from her strong technique and performative background and her passion for movement and artistic exchange. The classes are concentrating on strengthening the improvisation skills, as well as using tools such as the use of the breath, the strength of the center and the momentum of each movement. The classes include strong floor work, choreographic material and composition, which are going through changes of qualities and dynamics. From speed to calmness, from inner stillness to the explosion of the movement. The movement journey will take the dancers and the participants to a dynamic dance that incorporates understanding of the interior and exterior space.

Athanasia Kanellopoulou has been born in Athens in 1979. She is an independent choreographer, dance practitioner and performer. She has studied with a scholarship Classical and Contemporary Dance in London and New York, Spanish Literature and Culture and Traditional Lute. Over 18 years she lived and worked in Europe with artists and companies as, Les Ballets C de la B, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch (guest artist), Jasmin Vardimon Company, Cocoondance, Alexandra Waierstall, Gregor Zoellig, In jung Jun, Guy Weissman, Rami Levi, Jossi Berg. Since 2008 she has developed over 18 works, presenting them in numerous festivals in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Her research has been affected by the evolution of ideas about identity, social –political issues with a strong dialogue towards other Art forms. She has been invited as a guest choreographer from JV2 (JasminVardimon), ZfinMalta Dance Ensemble , Sareyyet Ramallah Palestine, Iceland Academy of Arts, University of Malta Dance Studies ,the Norwegian University of Dance, KSOT, etc.  She is giving workshops of contemporary dance technique, choreography and improvisation in companies and dance institutes in Greece and abroad such as: SEAD Academy, Greenwich Dance Agency, Malta University, Seoul Arts Centre, Cairo Contemporary Dance Centre, Iceland Academy of Arts, Garage 29 Brussels, Dance Cultural Centre, Athens, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul etc. She is currently  is teaching in the Greek National Opera School and in KSOT (State School of Dance,Athens). In 2018 she founded the company ‘’Athanasia Kanellopoulou Performing Arts’’as a platform of cultural exchange.

Workshop with Athanasia

16th September at 15:30-18:30


Ballett frh( advanced

V:22 þri+fim kl. 18:15 18.01.-24.02., V:22 þri+fim kl. 18:15 01.03.-07.04


Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 09.31.44

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