Musical theater

English below

Kennari: Rebecca Hidalgo

Sex vikna námskeið hefjast 6. mars

Alla fimmtudaga, byrjendur kl. 18:30-19:30 og miðstig/framhaldshópur kl. 19:30-21:00

Musical theater hefur slegið í gegn á Vesturströndinni og er nú komið í Kramhúsið með hinni mögnuðu Rebeccu Hidalgo.


*Nánari lýsing neðar



Kennari: Rebecca Hidalgo

Næstu sex vikna námskeið hefjast 6. mars

Byrjendur kl. 18:30-19:30

Miðstig/framhaldshópur kl. 19:30-21:00

ATH kennsla fer fram á ensku

Hin margverðlaunaða sviðslistakona Rebecca Hidalgo kennir skemmtilegt námskeið þar sem Broadway-andinn svífur yfir vötnum. Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku og því ýtarleg lýsing hér að neðan á ensku:

Teacher: Rebecca Hidalgo

Starting on the 6th March

Beginners on Thursdays at 18:30 – 19:30 

Midlevel on Thursdays at 19:30-21:00 

Do you have a passion for musical theatre? Would you like to build up your performance technique, self-expression, and knowledge? Or maybe you just want to learn some high-energy dances and songs in a safe, inclusive environment? Then this Musical Theatre course is for you!

Rebecca Hidalgo (she/her), award-winning choreographer, presents an adult Musical Theatre course designed for individuals with or without previous theatre & dance training. Every week, we will dive into studying a short routine from a selected musical (Broadway, off Broadway, West End) and make it our own! We will work on the same routine every 2 weeks, focusing equally on movement/dance, acting, and singing (every musical needs “triple-threats”!) Focus will be placed on both individual characterization and working as an ensemble. This course is LGBTQIA+ positive, body positive and gender inclusive: As part of the Queer community, Rebecca works with a “gender-expansive” approach to dance- meaning that the movement is not limited to “femme” or “masc” binary bodies- anyone of any gender can learn to embody many styles and characters.
 Ages 18+

*For the intermediate/advanced level, you must have either already participated in one of the previous musical theatre courses OR have previous dance & performance training/experience. 
*No previous singing training is necessary- in this class, EVERYONE is a singer (even if you don’t know it yet!)

Additional information

Flex body

H2022 Hádegistímar þri+fim, H2022 Síðdegis mán+mið, H2022 Síðdegis þri+fim, 22/23 Hádegistímar þri+fim, 22/23 Síðdegis mán+mið, 22/23 Síðdegis þri+fim



Somatic movement

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