

Næsta 6 vikna Contemporary dansnámskeið hefst 24. október

Kennari: Brian Gerke
Fimmtudagar kl. 16:10-17:20

*Athugið takmarkað pláss. Vinsælir tímar!

*Nánari lýsing neðar



English below

Kennari: Brian Gerke

Fimmtudagar kl. 16:10-17:20

Contemporary-/Samtímadans tímar Kramhússins eru metnaðarfullir tímar sem eru tilvaldir fyrir þau sem hafa grunn í dansi-/fimleikum eða öðru álíka. Námskeiðin eru byggð upp með kröftugum kennurum úr samtímadanssenunni á Íslandi og stundum erlendis frá og eru tímarnir því mjög fjölbreyttir. Sex vikna lotur með hverjum kennara fyrir sig. Það er því mismunandi hvernig tíminn er uppbyggður eftir því hvaða áherslur hver og einn kennari hefur en dansgleðin er alltaf höfð í hávegum.

Brian Gerke is an award-winning choreographer, performer, and educator whose professional journey began in New York City, collaborating with esteemed companies and studying at the Trisha Brown Dance School. However, he has spent the majority of his career in Europe, where he was a member of the Iceland Dance Company and co-founded the creative duo steinunn and brian, performing in over 60 venues across 12 countries. Brian is a freelance performer and choreographer, an Associate Professor of Performing Arts, and an active and founding member of the Heartland Collective.

Class description

In these Contemporary/modern dance, we will embrace joy and community through movement. This course emphasizes body awareness and functional technique by focusing on the foundational elements of dance (strength, flexibility, coordination). Together, we’ll cultivate a supportive environment that encourages collaboration and connection, fostering self-expression and creativity, making dance an uplifting celebration of our unique bodies and experiences.


Teacher: Brian Gerke

Thursdays at 4:10-5:20pm

The Contemporary dance classes are ambitious classes that are ideal for those with a background in dance-/gymnastics or similar. The courses are structured with powerful teachers from the contemporary dance scene in Iceland and sometimes from abroad, so the classes are very varied. Six week sessions with each individual teacher. It is therefore different how the class is structured depending on the focus of the teacher, but the joy of dancing is always held in high regard.

Additional information

Ballett frh( advanced

V:22 þri+fim kl. 18:15 18.01.-24.02., V:22 þri+fim kl. 18:15 01.03.-07.04









Bein í baki 65+

